Follow the steps below to cancel auto-renewal:
- Log into your ArtistWorks account and click on your ArtistWorks Username menu at the top right of the page.
- In the drop down menu, choose "My Account".
- When your Accounts page opens, click the "cancel auto renew" link affiliated with the subscription you want to modify under the Operations heading.
- Confirm the cancellation.
PLEASE NOTE: You may need to refresh your page to see the status change from Active to Cancelled. The "Next charge" column does not mean your account will renew on that date - this is the date it would renewed automatically on when the subscription is Active. When the subscription is cancelled, you will continue to have access until the "Next charge" date.
IF YOU PAID WITH PAYPAL, you can also cancel auto renewal through the PayPal website using these 5 steps:
- Log into your PayPal account.
- Go to "My Profile".
- Click on "My Money", then "My Pre-approved Payments".
- Find ArtistWorks in the list of your vendors.
- Cancel the recurring billing profile.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS at any point or just want to confirm that you have completed the cancelation process, please contact Customer Support through the website or email, we will be happy to help.
Click here to learn how to rejoin ArtistWorks or purchase a new subscription.